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Curious B.E.I.N.G.s’ Celebrate All Abilities

March 16, 2024

Pilot School Program, Phase II

Inspired by my son, Guion, who thrives with Down syndrome, our journey at Curious B.E.I.N.G.s is about more than just sharing our story; it’s about shifting the narrative for those often marginalized due to special needs. Our mission is to transform the conversation from a focus on limitations to a celebration of abilities, highlighting the unique strengths each person possesses. Guion’s resilience and spirit are the spark for Guion The Lion, a project that embodies our commitment to changing perceptions and fostering a more inclusive perspective.

Guion The Lion is not just a book; it represents the cornerstone of Curious B.E.I.N.G.s broader mission, inviting us into a world where the diversity of abilities is not only acknowledged but celebrated with joy. This narrative urges us to look beyond first impressions, discovering the true potential within each of us, especially those with special needs. By focusing on what individuals can do, rather than what they can’t, we hope to inspire a deeper appreciation of the boundless potential within our communities. It’s about creating a space where every person’s abilities are recognized and celebrated, encouraging us all to see the extraordinary in everyone.

We are thrilled to introduce the Guion The Lion unit, a series of three interconnected lesson plans designed to engage students in a journey of discovery, reflection, and celebration. These lesson plans complement the message of Guion The Lion, and provide a comprehensive framework for fostering empathy, understanding, and inclusivity among your students.

Lesson Plan 1: Perspective directly ties to the core message of “Guion the Lion,” emphasizing the importance of seeing the world through another’s eyes. This lesson invites students to step into the shoes of others, expanding their understanding and empathy.

Lesson Plan 2: Self-Awareness encourages students to reflect on their own hidden abilities and strengths, fostering a sense of self-discovery and confidence in their unique talents.

Lesson Plan 3: Celebration builds on the self-awareness cultivated in the previous lesson, guiding students to celebrate the hidden abilities and strengths of their peers. This lesson reinforces the message that everyone has something valuable to offer, promoting a community of support and appreciation.

These lesson plans are designed to build upon each other, creating a comprehensive educational experience that mirrors our mission to shift the narrative toward celebrating diversity and abilities in all forms. By integrating these lessons into your curriculum, you are not just teaching your students valuable life skills, you are inviting them to be part of a larger movement that values and uplifts every individual.

Our goal is to inspire a more inclusive world where every child and adult feels valued for their contributions, creating a community where curiosity and kindness pave the way for recognizing and celebrating each individual’s unique journey. Thank you for joining us in this important work, for it is through your dedication and passion that we can truly make a difference.

Access all plans and activity materials, here.



Rebecca Wilson Macsovits

Founder/Owner Curious B.E.I.N.G.s

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